“The things that go wrong often make the best memories.” Gretchen Rubin
Browsing tag: Mistakes
"Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made." Adele
"Creativity is mistakes." Grayson Perry
Have you ever seen footage of the behaviour between cats and dogs? Sometimes you see a dog, joyful and exuberant with energy, approaching a cat; its tail wagging with bonhomie; wanting to connect in the spirit of feline and canine accord much like the English / French Entende Cordiale. The cat pins its ears back, flicks its tail from side to side, and swipes viciously at the snout of the bewildered dog - with the full intent to draw blood. Sometimes the dog retaliates; sometimes a ‘Game on!’ peruses and sometimes the dog is
"The only original things we ever do are mistakes." Billy Joel
"Mistakes are the portals of discovery."
James Joyce
"Mistakes are the portals of discovery." James Joyce