If you look at the timeline / pathway that you completed in Activity 1 you will see a selection of transformative events from your life. You have chosen these particular moments to represent something that you learned about yourself or life and has helped shaped you into the person you are today. Ideally you should have at least 5 or 6 signature moments – obviously this is age dependant. Use Activity 2 Worksheet for Signature Moments which will ask you 10 questions that you can answer for each of your signature moments. The
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Signature Moments are those events in your life that leave something permanent in their wake. They can be equistely happy or painfully sad events that shape us and can start to define how we see the world and how we show up in the world. You can use the activity sheet to record your main signature moments that you think have helped define you. This is a key activity from the Life Stories Guidebook. Identifying our signature moments is critical as we begin the work of understanding how we narrate the story of our lives into the