Browsing category: Creativity

This is My World

Almost 20 years ago, before we had children, my wife and I took a road trip around South Africa. It’s a country of such exquisite beauty as well strange paradoxes. You can be driving in the middle of nowhere and you’ll suddenly see some lone soul wondering on the side of the road. You wonder, “Where might he be going?” or, “What brought him to such an isolated palace?” Potentially he too asked similar questions of us. One of the places we stopped at was a dusty one street town called Nieu-Bethesda which has as its claim to fame

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Living is a creative act. Too often I encounter people who are existing – making do with what life seems to throw their way or somehow waiting for their real life to start; consequently allowing precious days to slip by adventure-less and undifferentiated from the next. There are a range of reasons for why this happens and perhaps at times in our life it is necessary for us to move back from the growing point of creativity and reflect or lie fallow so that we are re-energised for the next inspired act in our lives. I believe that

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Follow Your Bliss

Recently I got dragged along to a work function that initially I didn't really want to attend. It was designed for families, and probably really well set up if you had young children.  However, even 3 beverages in, I was bored – I didn’t want to pet small animals (the petting zoo for the children) or have a go on the jumping castle,  I could see the magician’s sleight of hand and I was ready to leave. My wife was not in the same frame of mind. My daughter and I decided to partake in one of our favourite pastimes – people

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The Source of Creativity

A few people have asked me how I come up with my ideas for the The Caliverse that I write on a regular basis. I haven't ever tried to lockstep a process and I am cautious of trying to do so. To me it's like trying to distil the essence of love as if it were some sort of jus to be served up with a good rib eye.  No good will come from putting process onto some things. However, I am aware of a stream of creative stimulus that is constantly available to me, which I will try to describe. I turn to that Pixar classic Finding Nemo

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Quote of the day

“Creativity is just connecting things. When people ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesise new things.”  Steve Jobs

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