Browsing tag: Art


So a couple of weeks ago, we established I have a very talented niece. Now it is time to share with you one of my children’s talentss. My daughter is in Year 12 and is busy putting together a portfolio for her Year 12 Visual Arts. Her first assignment is called Culture and Spirituality and she is playing with the paradoxes between the first world and the third world. As African migrants, we have this duality that has coloured our lives and that, as a family, we have struggled to make sense of and to be at peace with based on our

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Capturing an essence of you

One of my two amazing nieces is a very talented artist. She finishes high school this year and has been accepted into a very prestigious design school in the United States. She is working on a series of portraits where she places people in a context that captures their state of mind – or their essence. This is a portrait she did of me and it’s called Memories of Africa. The leaves are cut out of a copy of the novel, The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. If you haven’t read this book it tells stories about

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