Browsing category: Essence

Distilling Our Experiences like Moonshine

On a recent trip to North Carolina I got to taste Moonshine. I'm not sure how genuine its manufacture was and I seriously doubt that a clandestine outfit up in the Appalachian Mountains was concocting this 'water of life' on dark, moonless nights. The oily slick of the liquor followed by the throat-burn and then the warm internal glow it gave me had me imagining  what sort of ingredients went into the distillation process that delivered this impactful liquid. I remember studying chemistry at school and university and for some

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Finding Your Quiddity

One of the characteristics of having an uncommon name like Callan is that it can cause you to become self-conscious when you are young. I have mentioned this before in relation to the choice of my children’s names. Growing up I never encountered another soul called Callan. The first time I met another Callan I was in my 20’s. I asked him, “Do you like your name?” He shrugged, smiled and said, “Yeah, I actually do.” Up until then, for me, the name had been burdensome - always having to repeat it, spell it, correct people who

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One of my favourite writers is the Danish story teller, Karen Blixen. She wrote under the pen name of Isak Dinesen (amongst other names), and I love her stories (like Seven Gothic Tales and Babette’s Feast). Her most famous novel is Out of Africa and the iconic line, “I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills …” has echoed in my brain since first reading it and then hearing Meryl Streep annunciate those Danish-accented words in the movie of the same name. Blixen’s life fascinates me and when I was fortunate enough to

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