Browsing tag: life

All in Good Time

I must have been about nine or ten years old when I encountered the word “ochre”. I didn’t know what it meant and I must have read it in a sentence something along the lines of, ‘The leaves on the tree had turned ochre.’ I remember looking up the word to make sense of it and probably found a definition along the lines of, ‘An earthy pigment containing ferric oxide typically with clay, varying from light yellow to brown or red.'  My confusion would have expanded further, when trying to understand how to pronounce the word I would

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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Do you believe in luck? I grew up in a family with a mother steeped in superstition and  she was forever on the prowl for lucky chances. Perhaps because she believed her life was so luck-less or maybe it was linked to her alleged gypsy heritage. Knock over the salt and she was flicking three pinches over her left shoulder. Walk past a statue of a Buddha and you had to rub its belly and make sure it was facing East. God help the child that put new shoes on the kitchen counter and may your forsaken soul find redemption if you opened

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